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Can You Do Pilates While Pregnant? | Prenatal Pilates | Club Pilates

Written by admin | Mar 22, 2022 8:15:15 PM

Can You Do Pilates While Pregnant?

Posted 22 March 2022

Many women decide to stop exercising while pregnant out of fear of hurting their unborn babies, or of injuring themselves. However, numerous studies have shown that exercising while pregnant is not only completely safe, but it also offers a number of advantages that can make pregnancy – and even labour – easier.

Pilates makes for a perfect workout for pregnant women; as a low-impact but intense exercise program with a large focus on breathing and developing the core, practicing Pilates regularly while pregnant can help alleviate backaches and muscle soreness while keeping your body physically fit and healthy! Building your core during these months can even ease birthing and labour pains.

Can you do Pilates while pregnant? Yes – and here’s why you should!

Is it Safe to Do Pilates While Pregnant?

Yes, it is perfectly safe to do Pilates while pregnant – in fact, it’s an excellent idea! Exercise during pregnancy has been shown to:

How Can Pilates Help During Pregnancy?

Pilates is a particularly good form of exercise for pregnant women as its low impact but high intensity means that you can still get a great workout without putting any strain on your joints. The focus on breathing and the core also makes Pilates especially beneficial for pregnant women; practicing Pilates regularly can help to ease backaches and muscle soreness, increase energy levels and improve mood.

Additionally, Pilates can help to prepare your body for labour by strengthening your core muscles.

Does Pilates Help With Pregnancy Pains and Aches?

Many women find that they suffer from aches and pains during pregnancy, especially in the later months. Pilates is an excellent way to help relieve these discomforts; regular practice can help to stretch and tone the muscles, increase blood circulation and release tension headaches.

Can Pilates Help With Birthing and Labour?

There is some evidence to suggest that doing Pilates during pregnancy may help to shorten labour time and make the birthing process easier. Pilates can help to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, which may lead to an easier and more comfortable birth.

Why Should Prenatal Women Do Pilates?

Pilates is a safe, low-impact exercise that offers a large number of benefits for pregnant women. It can help to ease pregnancy pains and aches, prepare the body for labour, and improve mood and well-being. If you are pregnant, consider adding Pilates to your regular fitness routine!

Precautions for Prenatal Pilates

As with any form of exercise, there are a few precautions that pregnant women should take when doing Pilates:

  • Consult with your doctor before beginning any new exercise routine, particularly if you have any medical conditions
  • Avoid lying flat on your back for extended periods of time, as this can decrease blood flow to the uterus
  • Choose exercises that are appropriate for your stage of pregnancy
  • Stop immediately if you feel pain or discomfort

Pilates is a great way to stay fit and healthy during pregnancy – just be sure to consult with your doctor first and listen to your body while you’re exercising!

Try Pilates at Club Pilates!

If you’re looking for a great Pilates workout to do while pregnant, Club Pilates is the perfect place for you. Our instructors are specially trained to cater to pregnant women and will help you modify exercises as needed to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your workout.

Come see us today and get started on a safe, healthy pregnancy!