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5 Ways to Add More Soluble Fibre to Your Diet | Club Pilates Australia

Written by admin | Feb 1, 2022 10:28:29 PM

5 Ways to Add More Soluble Fibre to Your Diet

Posted 1 February 2022

If you’ve ever seen a food pyramid, you already know that there are recommended daily amounts of each food group to consume in order to remain healthy and ensure your body (and mind!) receives enough nutrition. While not many of us will diligently follow these food guides, some food groups are extremely important and can compromise your fitness efforts if they are ignored.

One such food type is soluble fibre. All types of fibre play an important role in your body, from aiding digestion to promoting healthy weight loss, but soluble fibre in particular offers a number of benefits that you could start taking advantage of at any time.

Here are five ways to add more soluble fibre to your diet.

What is Soluble Fibre?

But first – what is soluble fibre, exactly? Soluble fibre is a type of carbohydrate found in certain foods. It’s distinguishable from insoluble fibres which are typically more difficult for your body to digest, and are commonly associated with things like skin or seeds.

As the name suggests, soluble fibre absorbs water easily – this is why it can help you feel fuller for longer after eating. Soluble fibre also slows down the release of sugars into your bloodstream, resulting in smaller fluctuations of blood glucose levels throughout the day. This can ultimately help maintain energy levels that are more consistent over time.

What Foods Contain Soluble Fibre?

There are actually lots of healthy foods that contain high amounts of soluble fibre! Here’s a list of some great sources to start adding to your diet:

  • oats (oatmeal, oat bran)
  • beans (red beans, pinto beans, lentils)
  • apples, especially with the skin on
  • citrus fruits such as oranges or grapefruit
  • potatoes with the skin on
  • barley (you can add this to bone broth for a hearty meal)

In addition to these great sources of soluble fibre, you should also try eating more foods that contain both soluble and insoluble fibre. The combination of different types of fibres is a great way to ensure your body receives the full benefits! Some examples of foods containing both include: brown rice, broccoli and brussels sprouts.

Soluble vs Insoluble Fibre

What's the Difference?

There are two major types of dietary fibre – soluble and insoluble. So what’s the difference? Soluble fibre can be turned into a gel-like substance by absorbing water, slowing down the time it takes for food to travel through your digestive tract which is why it can leave you feeling full longer.

Insoluble fibre, on the other hand, promotes healthy bowel movements which has been linked to reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer. It also adds bulk to stool helping food pass more quickly through your intestines! Fibre rich foods are beneficial to your health in so many different ways that if you start eating more of them now just imagine how great you will feel tomorrow!

5 Ways to Increase Your Soluble Fibre Intake

While soluble fibre is important for your diet, many people struggle with increasing their intake of it. If you want to add more soluble fibre to your meals, try some of these ideas:

1. Stir a spoonful of chia seeds into a smoothie or glass of water

2. Replace white rice with brown rice or wild rice when cooking dinner

3. Make homemade yogurt by mixing low fat natural yogurt with pureed fruit and a small amount of your favourite sweetener (some options include pure maple syrup, honey, coconut sugar)

4. Swap out unhealthy snacks for apples or oranges

5. Add potatoes to stews and soups rather than serving them on the side – this way they will absorb lots of flavour from other ingredients and be less likely to fall apart in the pot.

How Will Soluble Fibre Help with My Workouts?

So you know what soluble fibre is and how it can help with your diet, but why should you care about adding more to your meals?

Well for starters, even though insoluble fibres are associated with regularity, both types of dietary fibre play an important role in digestive health. Beyond that, soluble fibre is thought to increase feelings of fullness which might be especially helpful if you’re trying to watch your calorie intake or lose weight.

If you don’t feel full on less food, then chances are that’s probably a good thing – so when in doubt add more soluble fibres to your meals! Fibre-rich foods not only benefit your heart health in a variety of different ways but they also have been shown to improve the function of the digestive system. What that means for you is that your workouts will be more effective since your body won’t have to work so hard to digest tonnes of calories!

We hope to see you in-studio soon putting your new diet to work. Visit our studios page to find a Club Pilates studio near you!